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The right stack, equal and opposite reactions, making things simple

Hey, what’s shackin’?

Little miffed that Edmonton squandered their comeback, but we will go on.

Little snack on the importance of the right stack, equal and opposite reactions and making things simple.


stack ‘em up

-stacking is to create simple and repeatable routines using ideas, tools and systems that build momentum and synergy.

What’s the point of technology for text stack?

Let’s take technology away for a sec.

If you didn’t have a computer or apps to do your accounting or your marketing to design material or send it out into the world to design products, you would be using some form of pen paper and have hundreds of documents to manage manually and physically.

It would require space as well as an organization system that is not compact.

You would be very reliant on your memory to make decisions because of the time it would take to find information which could make you on the one hand smarter and more involved, but it also means you could likely do less as a single human as much more would be on your plate.

Technology is the ability to scale to do more with less. Its the ability to store information in an intelligent way for retrieval and makes it possible for you to do multiple different roles and still have information right at your fingertips all the time.

Therefore, the right technology matters because there are so many options out there that simply using whatever is available doesn’t mean that when you put in you’re gonna get the right information out

Building systems for your technology and how you use things matters

If you wanna know how many sales you had of a product line or how much it cost you to sell that product if you don’t have a system that’s properly aligns the products to a category, it will be a struggle to define what it costs for you to produce your product or what you’re selling

It also matters that you have stability in your processes and systems that you’re not changing them all the time no different than a budget. If you change your budget every two weeks you don’t know whether or not your budget is working.

To know that something is working, you have to have a control. One thing doesn’t change— that way you have something to compare against repeatedly to judge the effectiveness of the process.

Also, having more cash in the bank at the end of the month than it’s beginning of the month is not a good sole metric of profitability.

sharp ideas

The phrase “mental model” is an overarching term for any sort of concept, framework, or worldview that you carry around in your mind. Mental models help you understand life.

Equal and Opposite Reaction

Newton’s third law simply states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So, if object A acts a force upon object B, then object B will exert an opposite yet equal force upon object A.

Newton’s 3rd law is another way of saying Karma or reciprocality.

For everything that is done, there will be an equal and opposite reaction. Opposite does not mean to be bad.

The law of reciprocality, where you give first to build trust and faith, so that one day you will be given back to.

This doesn’t mean everyone will give back. Like the 4th type of luck, you are simply giving so much, that they chance of something being given back is high.

Building up the odds in your favor.

quote I’m musing

Buddha said, “what you think, you become…” so while quotes won’t change your life, I do think they can shift your perspective, and that can be life changing.


“”Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler.”


different businesses have different needs, depending on their size and complexity

Complexity generally translates into more work or more steps or more processes or more people i.e. more cost

This means you always want to air on the side of less is more do I do the same thing same result same quality less input

One of the hangups is, how do you get data out of it? How do you make sure you’re getting the right information and doing the right things also producing the right stuff. especially in at tech horny world

It’s the conscience consideration of is this needed, how does this add value to me, and if at the end of the day you’re not getting something out of it or custom isn’t getting something out of it probably shouldn’t do it

The flip side of that is keeping things so simple and so down and not getting anything out of stuff that you have no idea whether not bleeding somewhere or you’re missing market opportunity because you’re not looking at data or the data coming out is not clean and it’s totally useless.

Simple, not simpler.

That’s all for this week.

You can also email me here if you want to share any feedback, or share some cool things you have found.

Until next week,
